Sunday 30 December 2012

Insights and Reflection: The Art of Acknowledgment

The Art of Acknowledgment: A little guide to opening doors to life


Here is one thing I want to post before I sleep. It came into my mind just as I was intending to sleep. 
(To whoever that would spend a portion of their time to read a reflection a 17-year old guy makes, I hope it will be a worthwhile read!)

Here is something. Many of us are smart, we are wise. But in this world, there are many important things that we need to ACKNOWLEDGE.
ACKNOWLEDGE is not as simple as it is. I'm pretty sure many of you might already know it, but acknowledge is the product of two very important things in life. That is, Action and Knowledge.
For me, I have the knowledge, but rarely the action. It ain't simple to do it.

In fact, I feel that action is more commonly followed after knowledge.

Knowledge is the first step to succeeding in many things. By gaining Knowledge, one can get a better view of your surroundings, explore the depth of your next venture and also get a good view of your current position. Obtaining knowledge tests our curiosity, our ability to think out of the box and also to reflect and develop on ourself. Simply said, it's a form of development that usually takes place on the inside, AKA internal improvement.

Action is the next step, and I can say, it is a "Not easy but very rewarding" step. I really ain't in any position to talk about this because I'm still stuck in the Knowledge Zone. Action however, is a big leap from the Knowledge Zone.
In this Action Zone, everything is emphasized on physical endurance, willpower and the willingness to "DO IT". Like how a traditional campfire is made, the starting is really really tough. It takes a lot of skill, patience and also drive(in this case, to set up the fire to ensure your warmth) to get a spark. The reason why I call it a spark is because, a spark, unlike a fire, dies out easily. And this is the truth. After we get our initial start-up, we need to constantly put in that consistent effort in shielding that little spark from the wind and to with some luck(in some cases) and effort, that little spark will nurture into a big flame. And this big flame, will ensure our warmth, AKA our growth.

Like all game cliches, conquering each zone grants you a personal boost and also a key. This key is a special one but there is a catch. If you want to enter the Acknowledgment Door, you need two unique keys, Action Key and Knowledge Key. When you finally obtain both keys, you'll be able to unlock the door that leads you to ultimate enlightenment, The Art of Acknowledgment.
One thing I can say for sure is, I haven't unlocked this treasure yet and I believe it is still far from my reach. Also, the treasure behind each door is different and there are many many doors out there that are waiting to be opened. I must also reinforce the fact that not all the doors have only two keyholes. Some out there might even have three or more! It is basically like a real life RPG(Role Playing Game) infused with Puzzles.

One last thing before I end this post. As I have mentioned that there are many things that needs to be Acknowledged, I might as well mention a few. Firstly, personal health. For the few of us that ain't living healthily, we need to Acknowledge the importance of unlocking this door. Health is Wealth they said, and it's true. I myself am trying hard to regain that spark that I've made but got extinguished away due to lack of constant effort. Secondly, Virtues. Most of us already knows our virtues, but do we apply them into our lives and make everyone else's daily lives better? I don't think I've found the key to it yet... Lastly, ACKNOWLEDGING ACKNOWLEDGMENT is the most important thing in this post! Without acknowledging the art of acknowledgment, one will not be able to understand the importance of Action+Knowledge which ultimately forms Ac-Knowledge. With this said, I end my post for it is half past midnight. I really hope people will see this post and maybe share it around huh?


Did this yesterday night, thought I should share it so that whoever that visit this blog may have a chance to see what I have to say.

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