Sunday 11 November 2012

Tragic Story Alert!

Sunday's Gone, Happy Monday Blues!

Damn... There goes my A blog A day challenge... DANG! I missed out yesterday. Well, I have an excuse! I was barely near my com yesterday... Alright, excuses... I was watching documentaries on Marine Creatures and Octopus! The underwater world is really amazing! Goodbye, my lovely baby octopus sushi... :( After watching the documentary on the Intelligence of an Octopus, I feel like it's rather bad to eat it... Don't judge me! It's just that octopus actually have an extremely brilliant mind and they are cute... Their memory is even better than mine! =.=

Anyways, aside from octopus and sea creatures, yesterday was family badminton day. My family along with 2 other family would meet together at the school sport's hall and play badminton for 2 whole hours. It has been a family tradition for like 10 years or so... Or was it... Hmmm.... Badminton IS fun! But there are some unenjoyable stuffs that actually happens during this session...

Let's look on the bright side first! Badminton is really a good way to keep our family body in shape, though the frequency of the session is once a week with is barely even enough... Though I do do some small exercises daily, it's intensity is not as much as the Saturday's sessions(this is bad news....) It is fun playing badminton! Badminton is such a cool sport! For us amateurs(though we have been playing for a long time, I still feel that "amateurs" is still the word to use as we actually didn't have proper training and it would be stupid and arrogant to say otherwise.), we have our own unique way of playing. As we aren't all that physically fit, each of us have our own style. There are some of us whose reflexes are so awesome that they resemble a fish, jumping up and down, occasionally hitting the floor though they are still capable of standing back onto their feet and sprinting away in less than a second. There are another group of us, the experienced foxes, the one who plays around with the shuttle, manipulating it's direction and playing around with the opponent's movements. I hate those dudes... Another group is the slow movers, the stoners who usually stand there if the ball looks like it's gonna land somewhere far. The ones who would give up on the ball. Totally different from the fishes, who would do anything in their desperate attempt to hit that god damn ball. Total different league I'll tell you.
Me? I'm the stoned foxfish... I'm such a weird ass... If I ain't pumped, occurs 50% of the time, all I do is move a meter away from my position, maximum of 1.5 meters on a few rare occasions. Miracles still do happen when I do that! But if I am tired but have the urge to win, the foxy side comes in and I start to analyse and play with the ball, hence I focus on precision. Easy, just aim for their body. Aim the sides. Aim the openings. Do a trick shot. Anything. It works, haha... And there is also when I'm the stoned fish. When this happens, I do whatever I can to haul my heavy body in the direction that I predict the opponent is going to hit, often intercepting their hit due to the accuracy of my prediction.(HEHEHEHE... Kk... I'm being an ass...) Oh ya! And when I say fish, I mean spinning circles to hit the shuttle. I mean, spinning many many many circles... It's a technique haha... I'm so free style that it feels like I'm actually skating or rather...(ahem...), dancing(oh gosh! Don't remind me of the dancing hippo!).... But it doesn't matter how I look when I play, as long as I hit the ball and have fun, it's all that matters :D

Yet on the darker side... Sigh... I am an introvert, despite how cheery I may appear to sound here. I am a passive person who waits upon others to interact with me. I do occasionally initiate conversations with people but it doesn't seem to work with the youths in this badminton gang... I have absolutely nothing to say to them. NOTHING! I'm not even in school now FFS... I can't even talk about how my life is because nothing is going on! But some of them also don't seem to have topics to say to me too... I'm such a boring stupid person... Sigh..... There is this guy that I really want to talk to... But we seem to have lost some part of our friendship 2 years ago... Damn it... I am feeling abit emotional because of Greyson Chance's new song, Sunshine and City Lights. "Is there something or nothing you wanna say...", "What you need to know, is to try to let it go, let it go... What you need, to find... Is someone who will never let you go...". And I have to admit... This guy made me jealous. This guy made me admire him. This guy made me wanna be like him. This guy is what I never will be... I don't understand why... But suddenly, the pain of losing him as a friend is hitting me now... Like right now... I got to admit... I fell for him... A little puny guy falling for a charming and charismatic dude. Sigh, I'm gonna dedicate a post on him... And my other serious crush that crushed me. Stay tuned... for the tragic story of an unconfident fag who fell for straight guys.

Now Adam Lambert's Better than I Know Myself is playing...Talk about staying hype... I'm losing the cheerful mood. Beautiful song that actually described me. This song accompanied me throughout my darkest moments yet... As I day dream away, the next song on my playlist starts... Two steps from Hell's "Heart of Courage". Beautiful symphony that really inspires those at war with themselves. Music... Such wonders... How far would I have travelled without your sacred aiding... As I end this post, I think to myself... How ironic that such a happy post actually went downhill... Isn't it obvious, the drop in the mood? I hope so... At least I know that I am still capable of expressing emotions with words.

Final Note to self: ONE HOUR OF SUNLIGHT A DAY! It begins, tomorrow...

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